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Minor League
Major League
Major League Family Acers
Minor League Family
Major league families - are you looking to expand your playbook with fresh talent? Download our free "Gifted Family Game Plan" and "Winning Against 'Traporithms - to - Riches' Rescuing Dreams" guides to start scouting the minor leagues.
As the leaders in remote coparent link strategies, we believe the next generation of all-stars is waiting in minor league families. Whole families hold the keys to prevention when dealing with cyber-sabotage, divorce, disability, deployment and more. By keeping people together, we can all unleash our full potential.
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Major League Family
The old Major League model was divisive - perpetuating "mom vs dad" narratives that ignored the authentic, organic plays happening at the grassroots level. Our platform gives you a direct pipeline to newly processed "BorderXSecure" insights owned and operated by the families themselves.
Assess your current assets and get the tools to diversify your portfolio by backing minor league upstarts. With their game film and our expertise, we'll develop entirely new offenses and defenses for your freedom to make great plays!