Freedom Exam Study Materials
What's become of unrecognizable data
Unrecognizable data
Some data is so strange that we can't understand it. Or, so seemingly toxic we hate it. It's kind of like machine codes of Macintosh and Windows that computers use to quasi-talk to each other. We can't read into it, but maybe someday we will be able to and then we'll know what all the strange squiggles mean, psych!
Recognizable data
Some data is easy to recognize. Other data, not so much. We can tell our computer to save certain information, like the name of a person or a picture of a place, so that we can use it later. We call this information “data” and we can find it if we know where to look. Other times, barriers exist. And sometimes we want to share this information with our loved ones, but glitches in "connectivity" holds us hostage. Adaptive data recognition is like if you want to show your loved one a picture of your vacation, but couldn't before because there was a divorce and your child was taken to a different jurisdiction, now there are affiliated ways.
Organically adaptive data recognition with software (O.AI) is the quasi-intervention during which you locate the adaptive data that you need for well-being and then co-convert the data into obvious character-based information. The data that is obtained from recognition is stored away from unrecognizable data bases in the data files that you set up for a new narrative of 100/100 ultra-safety.
To make it possible for family, data and litigation users to find recognizable solutions to their grief and often traumatic problems at a time when recognition software is not yet ubiquitous and organic data is not only exponentially outpaced by & for systemic data, but endlessly barred as well.
Adaptive data recognition for ultra-safety is serious, helpful, decentralized and inclusive